職位 | 教授 |
専門研究領域 | 数学教育学 |
取得学位 | 博士(教育学) |
education-yshimizu [_] human.tsukuba.ac.jp 冒頭の「education-」を削除し、[_] を半角アットマークに置換してお使いください。 |
長野県出身。筑波大学第一学群自然学類(数学主専攻)卒業。筑波大学大学院博士課程教育学研究科単位取得退学。東京学芸大学教育学部助手,同助教授,インディアナ大学客員研究員,人間総合科学研究科学校教育学専攻准教授等を経て, 現職。
(1) 数学科授業の国際比較研究
(2) 数学的思考の認知的研究
(3) 数学的リテラシー評価論
(1) 数学科授業の国際比較研究
(2) 数学的思考の認知的研究
(3) 数学的リテラシーの評価研究
○ What Matters?:Research Trends in International Comparative Studies in Mathematics Education. (共著), Springer, 2017
○『大学教育の数学的リテラシー』(共著)東信堂, 2017
○『算数の本質に迫るアクティブ・ラーニング』(共著), 東洋館出版社, 2016
○ The First Sourcebook on Asian Research in Mathematics Education: China, Korea, Singapore, Japan, Malaysia and India. (共編著)Information Age Publishing, 2015
○『目でみる算数の図鑑』監修、東京書籍, 2015
○ Encyclopedia of Mathematics Education. (共著) Springer. 2014
○ Learning Experiences that Promote Mathematics Learning: Yearbook 2014 Association of Mathematics Educator, (共著) World Scientific, 2014
○ Third International Handbook of Mathematics Education. (共著) Springer. 2012
○『教科教育の理論と授業Ⅱ(理数編)』(共編著)協同出版. 2012
○ Assessment in Mathematics Classroom. (共著) World Scientific. 2011
○『授業を科学するー数学の授業への新しいアプローチ』(編著) 学文社. 2010
○ Mathematical Tasks in Classrooms around the World.(共編著)Sense Publishers, 2010
○ Mathematical Problem Solving: Yearbook 2009 Association of Mathematics Educator.(共著) World Scientific. 2009
○ Mathematics Classrooms in Twelve Countries: The Insider’s Perspective.(共編著)Sense Publishers,2006
○ Making Connections: Comparing Mathematics Classrooms Around the World. (共著) Rotterdam: Sense Publishers, 2006
○ Yoshinori Shimizu. The place of “mathematical methods” in the mathematics curriculum in the next generation. In T.McDougal (ed.) Essential Mathematics for the Next Generation: What and How Students Should Learn (pp. 12-28). Tokyo Gakugei University Press, 2017.3
○ Rongjin Huang & Yoshinori Shimizu. Improving teaching, developing teachers and teacher developers, and linking theory and practice through lesson study in mathematics: An international perspective. ZDM- Mathematics Education, Vol.48(4), 393-409, 2016.7
○ Leung, F. K, Park, Y.Shimizu, & B.Xu (2015) Mathematics Education in East Asia. In S.J.Cho (ed.) The Proceedings of the 12th International Congress of Mathematical Education: Intellectual and Attitudinal Challenges, Springer. 123-143, 2015.3
○ 数学的リテラシーの評価課題の構成に関する一考察―小学校児童を対象とした評価課題の設計とその分析―. 日本数学教育学会誌. 臨時増刊, 数学教育学論究,Vol.94, 185-192, 2013.11
○ Working at the Intersection of Research and Practice: A Perspective on the Study and Improvement of Mathematics Lessons. In V. Steinle, L. Ball & C. Bardini (eds.) Mathematics education: Yesterday, today, and tomorrow. (Proceedings of the 36th annual conference of the Mathematics Education Research Group in Australasia.) 2-12, 2013.7
○ Learning from similarities and differences: a reflection on the potentials and constraints of cross-national studies in mathematics, ZDM-The International Journal on Mathematics Education, 45(1), 1-5, 2013.3
○ 評価問題作成における数学的なプロセスへの焦点化-全国学力・学習状況調査(中学校数学)の動向と課題-, 日本数学教育学会誌・数学教育,第94巻9号,30-33,2012.9
○ On the Role of Tasks in Mathematics Classrooms. Proceedings of the 5th East Asia Regional Conference on Mathematics Education, Vol. 1, 144-151, 2010.8
○ Characterizing exemplary mathematics instruction in Japanese classrooms from the learner’s perspective. ZDM-The International Journal of Mathematics Education, Vol.41, 311-318, 2009.6
○ Exemplary mathematics instruction and its development in selected education systems in East Asia. ZDM-The International Journal of Mathematics Education Vol.41, 257–262, 2009.6 (共著)
○ 今日的数学的リテラシー論からみた学校数学の現状と課題. 科学教育研究, 32(4), 321-329. 日本科学教育学会,2008
○ Exploring Japanese Teachers’ Conception of Mathematics Lesson Structure: Similarities and Differences between Pre-service and In-service Teachers’ Lesson Plans. ZDM-The International Journal of Mathematics Education, Vol.40, 941-950, 2008
○ Addressing the challenge of legitimate international comparisons of classroom practice. International Journal of Educational Research, Vol.46, 280-293, 2007(共著)
○ 国際機関が提起する「数学的リテラシー」概念の意味, 日本数学教育学会誌・数学教育,第89巻9号, 41-50, 2007
○ OECD・PISAの「数学的リテラシー」論からみた日本の算数・数学教育, 日本数学教育学会誌・数学教育,第88巻3号,44-53, 2006
日本数学教育学会, 日本教育学会, 日本科学教育学会, 日本教材学会, 日本認知科学会, American Educational Research Association, European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction, International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education (PME), National Council of Teachers of Mathematics
教育学類・教職科目:数学教育論, 学校教育開発原論, 数学科教育概論
修士課程教育研究科:数学教育研究方法論, 数学教育学習論
博士前期課程:数学教育学特講, 教育学研究方法論B
博士後期課程:教科教育学特論, 数学教育学演習III