職位 | 准教授 |
専門研究領域 | 数学教育学 |
取得学位 | 博士(教育学) |
education-komatsu.kotaro.ft [_] u.tsukuba.ac.jp 冒頭の「education-」を削除し、[_] を半角アットマークに置換してお使いください。 |
○Stylianides, A. J., Komatsu, K., Weber, K., & Stylianides, G. J. (2022). Teaching and learning authentic mathematics: The case of proving. In M. Danesi (Ed.), Handbook of cognitive mathematics (pp. 727–761). Springer.
○Komatsu, K., & Jones, K. (2019). Virtual manipulatives and students’ counterexamples during proving. In G. Hanna, D. A. Reid, & M. de Villiers (Eds.), Proof technology in mathematics research and teaching (pp. 331–346). Springer.
○Komatsu, K., Ishikawa, T., & Narazaki, A. (2018). Proof validation and modification by example generation: A classroom-based intervention in secondary school geometry. In A. J. Stylianides & G. Harel (Eds.), Advances in mathematics education research on proof and proving: An international perspective (ICME-13 Monographs) (pp. 131–144). Springer.
○Komatsu, K., Murata, S., Stylianides, A. J., & Stylianides, G. J. (2024). Introducing students to the role of assumptions in mathematical activity. Cognition and Instruction, 42(2), 327–357.
○小松孝太郎(2023).「学校数学における課題設計原理の開発に関する研究の枠組み」.『日本数学教育学会誌 数学教育』,第105巻第1号,pp. 2–13.
○Komatsu, K., & Jones, K. (2022). Generating mathematical knowledge in the classroom through proof, refutation, and abductive reasoning. Educational Studies in Mathematics, 109(3), 567–591.
○Komatsu, K., & Jones, K. (2020). Interplay between paper-and-pencil activities and dynamic-geometry-environment use during generalisation and proving. Digital Experiences in Mathematics Education, 6(2), 123–143.
○Komatsu, K., & Jones, K. (2019). Task design principles for heuristic refutation in dynamic geometry environments. International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education, 17(4), 801–824.
○Komatsu, K., Fujita, T., Jones, K., & Sue, N. (2018). Explanatory unification by proofs in school mathematics. For the Learning of Mathematics, 38(1), 31–37.
○Komatsu, K. (2017). Fostering empirical examination after proof construction in secondary school geometry. Educational Studies in Mathematics, 96(2), 129–144.
○Komatsu, K., Jones, K., Ikeda, T., & Narazaki, A. (2017). Proof validation and modification in secondary school geometry. Journal of Mathematical Behavior, 47, 1–15.
○Komatsu, K. (2016). A framework for proofs and refutations in school mathematics: Increasing content by deductive guessing. Educational Studies in Mathematics, 92(2), 147–162.
○Komatsu, K., Tsujiyama, Y., & Sakamaki, A. (2014). Rethinking the discovery function of proof within the context of proofs and refutations. International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology, 45(7), 1053–1067.
○Komatsu, K., Tsujiyama, Y., Sakamaki, A., & Koike, N. (2014). Proof problems with diagrams: An opportunity for experiencing proofs and refutations. For the Learning of Mathematics, 34(1), 36–42.
○小松孝太郎(2011).「ラカトシュの可謬主義から見た数学的探究とその教育的意義:証明に焦点を当てて」.『科学教育研究』,第35巻第3号,pp. 272–286.
○小松孝太郎(2010).「数学的探究におけるaction proofの活用の促進:事例研究を通して」.『日本数学教育学会誌 数学教育学論究』,第93号,pp. 3–29.
○小松孝太郎(2010).「学校数学におけるaction proofの機能に関する研究:発見に焦点をあてて」.『日本数学教育学会誌 数学教育学論究』,第92号,pp. 35–47.
○Komatsu, K. (2010). Counter-examples for refinement of conjectures and proofs in primary school mathematics. Journal of Mathematical Behavior, 29(1), 1–10.
日本数学教育学会,日本科学教育学会,International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education,European Society for Research in Mathematics Education